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2020 Reunion Postponed Until 2021

We regret to inform you that the CHL 2020 Reunion Committee has decided to postpone the Cole Hampton Lee Reunion due to the uncertainty of the end of this quarantine, and the financial affect that it may have on some of our family members.

The new date is August 5th - 8th, 2021. The hotel is booked and all the terms and conditions of the 2020 agreement will remain the same. If you made a hotel reservation already using our family code, your reservation will be automatically canceled. We will get a new reservation code and booking link for the new date by March 2021. We will send you an email to let you know when you can make your new hotel reservations and what the new deposit due date is (for those who have not made initial deposits thus far). Our hotel booking deposit has been applied to the our 2021 reservation, so we did not lose any money.

The good news is that we all have more time to save up for the next two reunions, 2021 and 2024. Hopefully, they will be the largest reunions in the last 20 years.

Stay healthy and safe.


Kisha Young and Zecole Thomas

CHL 2021 Reunion Co-Chairs

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